Carz R Us

Auto Electrical Repair & Maintenance

How far will a dead battery get you? Not far. What about your failing starter or alternator? Your car’s electrical system powers everything from the ignition and fuel systems to accessories such as your radio, headlights and wipers. The electrical system is, in turn, powered by the engine. We can fix it all at Carz R’ Us in Machesney Park, IL.

Our auto electrical repair and maintenance services include:​


We can help you choose the right battery for your vehicle and lifestyle. Our staff can safely and professionally install your battery and get you back on the road. When your car’s engine is off, the battery provides the required power to the rest of the system, as well as during start-up (cranking). It also supplements the power from the charging system during periods of high demand.

Questions? Give us a call today at (815) 877-4277 or text us at (815) 240-2515.

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